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Friday, March 10, 2017

games mod com

games mod com

hey fellas, i'm here with the new game skyrim, it just came out. this game is getting great reviews. i've heard some great things about this from uh... from... joe youtube errr... it's a first person shooter-

i feel like everybody plays ikea-born so i'm just gonna make a sonic to keep you fresh. "you started this war." yeah! "plunged skyrim into chaos." "and now the empire is going to put you down," yeah! "and restore the peace." put him down!

[train tooting] what? "what was that?" "it's nothing." no no no! don't put me down! this is for sonic boom? you're supposed to put the other guy down! you guys have to-[train tooting]

[gasp] could it be? but the legends... i thought those stories were just kid's tales.[thomas the tank engine theme song] oh my god. it's really him. ladies and gentlemen skyrim is here to save me! *fus ro dah*

oh my god! thankyou skyrim! i love you man. it's raining trains! yeah, whoop his ass skyrim! oh yeah pick him up! pick him up with your wheels![wilhelm scream] yeahhh! what have i done.

'chu can't hit whatchu can't see rudolf ya red nosed piece of shit! get the fuck- i summon my trusty steed, tommy wiseau[pokemon themesong] ride, tommy. skyrim awaits! and there's adventure around every corner!

"hi doggy." what? why am i a dog now? oh god... is that what i think it is? "you are tearing me apart lisa!" tommy no! you can't fight it! he's too big!

do the pulp fiction! do the intro! "i work for belethor, at the general goods store." i don't remember asking you a goddamned thing. fus ro die! [skyrim themesong] [police sirens] uh oh...

"what say you in your defence?" it wasn't me. "oh, forgive me thane." "i didn't realise it was you." "we'll look the other way this time." "fus ro-" dang. "i need to ask you to stop..." "that... shouting is making people nervous."

i won't do it again man. i won't do it again. but watch out. i'm gone do it again haha! i got some good materials here. i think i'll go ahead and make the portal gun. "not too shabby..." "apprentice level work."

"but solid." this shit is about to get crazy. stand and fight archers! shoot those trains outta the sky! oh god! surprise werewolf attack! i shoulda expected this! there's only one way to defeat werewolves. get in there bear!

fight them! [remix of "misirlou"] god, you got fucked up. oh yeah! oh yeah. shoot those trains down- this is really turning out to be a really long battle. we gotta start wrapping this one up

before my wife gets home guys. now it's a party. who brought the macho mans in here? now it's gettin' crazy. [trains tooting, macho men "ohh yeah"ing and general auidible chaos] where am i? am i still exist? am i still- there's a hundreds-

there's hundreds of bears, we've gone on too... who am i controlling? that's it you mother fuckers! now you gotta fight me! [battle cry] woah. is that a crab

with a top hat and a monacle? dats where i draw the line. c'mon master chief. let's get the fuck outta here. [thomas the tank engine themsong]

games mod com Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Aswatama


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